We create thriving teachers so they can
We are working to create teacher and student centered solutions.
Inspired by John Dewey’s vision for university laboratory schools, the Learning Lab functions as a legislatively authorized laboratory school connected to UL Lafayette’s College of Education & Human Development, one of the largest teacher preparation programs in the state. The Learning Lab is designed to function as a living model of high quality educational experiences based on best practice from across the globe. However, it is not enough to create one school where teaching and learning are reimagined. With extensive external outreach, the Learning Lab has long-term goals to inform educational policy and practice throughout the state with a collective, sustainable approach.
The Learning Lab showcases an innovative renovation designed to invite learning into every space.
At The Learning Lab we work to cultivate curiosity, creativity, and courage in our community of teachers, students and advocates.

The Learning Lab at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, along with teachers and education professors, has put together a list of resources and ideas for keeping some structure and learning within the days at home during the COVID-19 school closures.
Louisiana’s K-12 education system is consistently ranked in the bottom when compared to other states.
As a major producer of Louisiana teachers, the faculty in the College of Education & Human Development recognize our collective responsibility to send highly capable teachers into the lives and classrooms of Louisiana children. Below are the key issues the Learning Lab at UL Lafayette is designed to address.
Low Education Rankings
Instead of ignoring issues in public education, we hope to inspire change makers who will challenge the status quo when it disrupts a student’s chance to find success and fulfillment. Learning Lab will become a hub of cutting edge educational research, driving innovation for all of Louisiana.
Teacher Shortage
Without modern facilities and showcase classrooms, it is difficult to attract potential students into a career that will not provide a substantial salary and lacks the prestige it deserves. In recent years, UL Lafayette has been one of the top producers of teachers for Louisiana, but the problems of teacher shortages and teacher attrition still loom.
Innovative Learning
Create high quality educational opportunities for children such as school robotics clubs, enrichment clusters, and projects driven by genuine students interest.
Lack of Prestige in Teaching
Though highly selective programs seem appealing, in a longitudinal study of 160 graduates of highly selective teacher preparation programs and 1,350 graduates of less selective teacher preparation programs, Kelly and Northrop (2015) found that highly selective graduates are 85% more likely to leave the teaching profession in the first three years.
Decline of Play
Adventures challenge students and teachers to be curious about the natural world as they look closely at the resilience of natural systems and apply creative thinking as they work together with purpose to solve problems. As they explore the resilience in natural systems, they learn to grow in their own resilience and develop the courage to act.
Teacher Attrition
Teacher attrition reform can begin in teacher preparation programs but must smoothly transition into efforts to improve professional satisfaction of teachers in the field. Until school reform takes place, it is unlikely that increased selectivity of teacher preparation programs will have a significant effect on teacher retention.

A teacher is the single most important
component to a child’s education.

Aligning with our mission of Outreach, the Learning Lab Collective is an educational change organization designed to disseminate knowledge generated in the model Learning Lab outward into community schools. The Collective approach unites interested community and education stakeholders to use their collective knowledge, skills, and resources for systemized, sustainable, and student-centered policy and practice reform.

Dr. Joseph Savoie, President
Dr. Jaimie Hebert, Provost
Dr. Tracy L. Cross, Dean, College of Education & Human Development
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Lafayette Parish School System
Vermilion Parish Schools
Iberia Parish School Board
Acadia Parish School Board
St. Mary Parish School Board
St. Martin Parish School Board
Lafayette Economic Development Authority (LEDA)
LSU College of Human Sciences & Education
Southeastern Louisiana University College of Education
Southern University College of Education
Louisiana Tech University College of Education
Acadiana Center for the Arts
Learning Forward Louisiana